Becroft Car Parking

Becroft Car Park


Recently you may have noticed the introduction of road cones in the Becroft Car Park, this is due to Health and Safety as a result of some near misses  involving vehicles vs children running out from behind parked cars.


We have engaged Auckland Council who will be adding permenant no parking markings soon however in the meantime we have had to resort to road cones. If you could please leave these cones in place and not move them.


Please refrain from parking in the entrance to the car park, if no one parks here this will allow vehicles to enter and exit seamlessly. Please also refrain from creating a car park in the middle of the car park, if no cars park there then this will allow an easy turning point.


The area infront of the clubhouse and external toilet block is to allow accessiblity for staff, emergency vehicles and disabled parking.


We appreciate your co-operation and trust you will agree with us to take measures to ensure your childrens safety.


There is plenty of car parking available on the street including on Tristram Ave and on Becroft Drive at the City end accessable via Bond Cres. You can use the walkway under Tristram Ave to the Park.

Article added: Thursday 16 May 2024


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